Suicide at Sixteen

2009 Poems

You heard the story all too much before

Boy cried wolf one too many times, but never followed through

So when he called to tell you his last goodbye,

You had every right to believe it was same story as has happened all those days past

He pleaded for you not to weep,

Just think of it as an eternal resting sleep

However you knew it was not the case,

And he would not be leaving this place

However the boy crying wolf, was crying out for real

The pain inside was just too much for him to feel

He had to go, had to find a way to make everything better

He was so estatic to say he found his cure

You said goodbye, see you soon

He went to say goodbye to the moon

Asking the heavens above to take care of his friends,

They were there for him till the very end

That night you went to sleep, like all the nights before,

But in a nightmare you awoke,

Scared and worried about your friend

What if this time its really not a joke?

Calming yourself down, telling yourself it would all be fine

You’d call him in the morning and have some breakfast at nine

So off to sleep you went again,

But worry continued to set in

Brightness shined through the window,

And you knew morning finally came

You picked up the phone and dialed his home

Waiting as it rang and rang

After ten minutes of waiting for him to pick up your call,

You went to find out what was happening once and for all

His family was gone, they left him all alone,

So you were worried, because of last nights tone

You opened the door and ran to his room,

Feared for his life, preparing for doom

You walked around and he was no where to be found

Walking down the hall, there he was on the ground

His face was pale,

He was cold and wet

The feeling you felt,

Is something you can’t forget

Heart pounding so loud you could feel it in your ears

There was no relief, there were only tears

He had no pulse, no life left in him

The blood was still pouring, seeping through his skin

The police finally came,

And investigated the scene

Officially another statistic

A suicide at sixteen

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