You Think This is Normal?

You think this is normal?

I don't think you fully comprehend

The extent of my pain

and how I try but don't  blend in

You think this is normal?

How I get close to love

Then push it far away

Only to wake up and wonder why it didnt stay

You think this is normal?

The fact that I take something sharp

and cut away the pain

Although it helps for a while, it always ends the same

You think this is normal?

The way I don't look you in the eye

For fear of what you'll see,

Way deep down inside

You think this is normal?

How I only long to die

Everyday I think of how I'd do it

but never do I go through with it

You say you know what I am going through

and how you understand

but I still think that you do not fully comprehend

How can you say this all is normal?

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