What Is Pain?

Everyone feels pain at one point or another and we all feel and deal with pain differently.

Sometimes pain can be a beautiful thing.  It can create or inspire art.  It can show us our strength by how well we can hold on through that pain.

In some cases yes, pain may last a long time.  Even for a lifetime.  However that is not always the case.  Whenever I am in pain, or going to be facing pain I try to have the mindset that pain is only temporary.

I understand that most do not enjoy pain, except for those self injurers, masochists or just plain unique.  Pain is not always as bad as our minds make it out to be.  Some panic in times of pain and only make it worse.  

Another view of pain that I have, like my hero Criss Angel stated in his book Mindfreak:Secret Revelations, "Pain is a state of mind."

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