I can't let you in again
Nor can I follow the path we once had been
You say that we will fix what is broken
but then we go days and days without words being spoken
You say this time things will be different
that you are stronger now and you can fix me
but eventually you will fall apart and then you will leave
That is how it always goes
Pretending that you did not know
So we part ways and move on with our lives
Only to find that later on you run back
Begging to be let in
It is a back and forth battle
That I am too tired to fight
I may still feel something for you
Way deep down inside
but I will let it go at that
because I lost the feeling to feel love for you
Each time you left you took away a little bit more of me
I cant let you in my heart again
We can't go back to where we once had been