Patience Lesson

Faith Poems

I waited for the sun to shine, so impatiently

Wanting to find a brighter day instead of walking foward sorrowfly

but that was my mistake-

not waiting for you to say it was time

Wanting to dance in the rain, but awaited the day in a drought

Although I pray continuously I had to learn what patience was all about

and that was my mistake-

not waiting till you said it was time

I wanted to find love, but every love I found ended way too soon

No slow dance moment played by a beautiful tune

I missused the meaning of love and patience

and that was my mistake-

not waiting till you said it was time

and I had to wait to find true love until I knew my heart was in your hands

So I give my heart to you now, lord

and I pray in time you lead me ot my true love

I will wait until you say it is time

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