I'm Just Me:::

October 07

They all think I am a little insane

However the do not understand

I am just the casualty of the normality in their head

I will never be like them except for when I am dead

I will never try to be like you

That is just as bad as suicide

I don't care that I am different, weird, unique or bizarre

In my own way, I am a star

I don't have to pretend to be something that I am not

I just give it everything that I got

and that is the best that I could ever do

I am independent, yet shy

I cannot live a lie

I will wear a frown, yet smile

I will live wild, like a child

You will never figure me out

You will never ever understand

You may hate me, or you may be my best friend

I am me and that is the best that I could do

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