
July 2007

Heartbeat loud as thunder

Thoughts racing so quickly through my mind

Fear taking over my body

Wishing for once life would be kind

Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time,

I need to shut up

If I do not stop talking- I will learn how I always say too much

Cannot stay in one place for too long

Need to escape before I lose it all

Cannot let them see into my soul

Cannot let them see the pain that is left in my heart

There is too much shame, I would have to relive

Too many memories to regret

I panic as I feel all their eyes on me

They will see underneath,

Where I continue to scream

Yet I seem to go un-noticed

Because no one answers,

no one helps,

no one listens,

no one is the there,

Maybe I am the reason

Maybe this all is not fair

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