I will always stand

July 2007

Love, I just came here to tell you things gone unsaid

No mattter what I do, without you I feel dead

You breathed life into my soul, how can you so easily take that away?

You promised to stay by my side forever, so with saying goodbye how can you think I would ever be okay?

You built me up only to let me down again,

but I kept my faith and trust in you because you were the love I so wanted to be in

You were the best part of me, at times you brought out the worst,

But that was nly on days we felt that we were cursed

We held on far too long because we were too afraid of getting hurt

But holding on to false hope was causing more damage than it was worth

We were also too stubborn, filled with too much pride

We could not let go when the romance clearly died

You were always my best friend and you still are

You are still my whole night sky, not only just my star

I just wanted you to know that although we are no longer lovers, I hope we will always be friends

Because I still love you- till the very end

Althoguh it kills me inside, I would rather hurt than to lose you forever

So I will hold onto our memories and remember

With tear eyes I sadly let go of your heart and hand

But as a friend, by your side I will always stand

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