Love Undying.

You make me better, than I have ever been before

When you are in my life, I am living that much more

When I was by your side, the pain just erased

Simple as that, I felt so much better just seeing your face

Being so far away from you, not able to absorb you,

or have you absorb me

That changes everything, even things no one can see

My love for you is that of the undying kind,

It clings on forever, it brings me peace of mind

You're everything to me, you move me to be the best that I can possibly be, and you don't realize you do that by just giving me your love

because of you I believe in things that have been hard for me to believe, such as things happening for a reason, and that there is a heaven above

Without you the world echoes, and I feel the pain more sharply, like a needle prickling the skin

Your love takes me higher, and I see all these places that I have never been

I hold on through all the distance and pain, because I know it is worth it in the end, as long as I find myself with you

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