
January 2007

I'll be waiting just around the corner of your eyes

I promise now that I tell no lies

Its hard when that is your life

When all you become is lured towards the knife

My heart does not know how to mend

It holds up its walls and defends

Can't just let love in and let love happen

it has to ruin everything that walks through the door

Do you really want to go through with this,

do you really want to give a chance

Knowing that I may never be alright

That I may never be ready for our dance

I'm afraid when we are together,

I'll still only want to feel pain

Would You still love me forever

Even if I lived life selfishly and in vain

I feel like such a failure,

that I can't do a single thing right

I don't know how to express myself

I always seem to end up in a fight

However, I'm so lost without you

I can't take it when we are apart

The distance is so lonely

and it creates a bigger hole in my heart

I wish I could be your everything

But Im afraid that I'm too weak to be your cure

I would die for you...

for everything to be alright again, I am not so sure..

Theres not much that I know or that I can say

There are times when I miss you each and everyday

I wish you never had walked away

Maybe you're the reason I am not okay...

Im confused of why I feel this way

Confused of the thoughts in my head

I can't take the stress that has been caused

So I lay back down in bed

The absense of my tears...

is everlasting fears...

it keeps me going on...

even when I seem to far gone...

I die a bit more each day...

wonder what is left to say...

cant forget you now...cant forget you ever..

I thought we'd be together...

I can't look you in the eyes and tell you I am fine..

That would be a lie...crossing over the lines...

I really meant to say I'm sorry...

I really meant to say I messed up...

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