My Safe Haven

January 2007

Everywhere I go, it is always the same

Everybody staring at me, causing me so much shame

I see their looks and I hear their laughter

and I wonder who is to blame

I have heard it all before

Their taunting and painful words only leave me sore

It is not my fault everyone is such a fucking joke

Moments like these, It is them I would give anything to choke

So what If I am not pretty, couldnt I still have a good heart

Doesnt that caunt for something, couldnt I still be smart

I should have never let myself get this way

Only put myself in a position for a lot of pain to have to pay

Now all I feel like is this horrible, ugly thing

Undeserving of love, undeserving of life

Whenever I see my disgusting reflection,

I run straight to my knife, my one safe haven

I cant accept myself the way I am

I will never forgive this person I have become

I could be so much better

However I am too lazy to change

Always repeating this cycle, this misery

Sick of the people, sick of this place

All I see in my mind is my ugly reflection

and I hate that face

Drawn to the knife again

Another cut to release the hurt within

I am reckless, a fucking mistake

Feeling calm as blood seeps through my skin

This is all  more than I can take

Everyone knows that I am a fucking fake

Go on, h ate me, it is what ever does best

Yell and curse at me, treat me like all the rest

I am so sick of all the shit you shove in my face

I hate you, I hate this miserable place

Please save me from this madness,

I die a little more everyday

Soon I know I will fade away

Just do it now, tell me you dont love me anymore

Rip out my heart and throw it on the floor

Walk away from me

As I continue to bleed somemore

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