Goodbye My Family

December 2006

Goodbye my dear family

I must bid you adieu

I must go someplace else,

Someplace new

My heart is shattering,

I must help it to mend

The only way to do that

Is to call on a far away friend

Goodbye to you all,

It is killing me to stay

May it be dangerous

I kind of like it that way

It may be wrong,

But I don't care

If I stay here,

Soon I will be too far gone

In the past I may have been childish

I may have seemed naive

But due to my pain

I do need to leave

I need fresh faces

I need away from the memories

I dont want you to hate me

Or think that I hate you

I need bigger surroundings

To make all my dreams go far

Am I scared?

You bet I am

But I am willing to take that risk

You will see,

It will all be worth it in the end

So let me go

and face the future

Face what lies ahead

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