There is never a right time to say goodbye
You hold on as long as you can, at least you try
And when the road gets tough and all you can do is give up
Hold onto your dreams, it will get better than it seems
There is never a right time to walk away
You try to stay strong, but after time the strenght only strays
You hope and constantly pray for a better day
One that is full of sunshine, non-existant of shades of grey
There is never a right time to let someone go
Someone walks into your life...and together you grow...
But people change and so does love...
and sometimes you grow apart from the plans that you have been thinking of
Sometimes there is never a right time to stay together
Even though you wished on stars and dreamt of forever
You thought the rope that kept your love holding strong would never tether
But somehow everything falls apart and severs
Sometimes it is just the best to put on a smile and not let them see you hurting so bad
To let go and just say goodbye
Put all the pain behind you...and hope to not be so sad
You try at least, even if it is a lie