Depressed and saddned
The pain never lightens
I sarcastically tell you that I am fine
But if you look into my eyes
You will see the pain runs deep
All the way down to the core
And in a moment of conciousness
I look at you
Eyes weary and weak
Even though I can barely speak
I whisper in my breath, 'I need you'
You always saved me before
Now I may need you more than ever
Scared that I may be dying
By no cause but my own
Just always feeling so alone
Tired of pretending that everything is fine
All I want to do is cross the line
Saying goodbye to those dear to me
Knowing the only one who could have saved me
Doesnt even want me around
Just let me end my life
So I can finally be safe and sound
All I want is for the pain to end
People say, ' Just give it a little time,
In the end you will be fine'
But I can no longer pretend
The pain has become my best friend