One of Those Girls

I will never be like one of those girls

Does her make up

and comes out looking like a clown

I wont wear those clothes

That make me look like a slut or a whore

I wont be just a follower of a trend

I will be aleader because I will never settle

I was meant to find more

I will never be like one of those girls

If you want one of them, baby you're a loser

They may look pretty,

but you deserve so much better

and once you are with me

You'll forget all about her

I will never be like one of those girls

I will never want for things in vain

I will stay pure till it is the right time

I won't waste myself for sinful pleasures that don't come from the heart

I will never be one of them, and I wasnt from the start

I will never be like one of those girls

I will treat you like a king

because love isnt something to waste

It is a beautiful thing

I don't want to rush,

I want to take things slow,

The time i'll truly treasure

I will never ne like one of those girls

They are worth nothing

I will show you what love can really be like

If you take things slow

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