repeat the name of God

While your minds and hearts are impure, how can God live in your hearts? The water to clean the heart is the name of God. So, teach everyone to repeat the name of God — everywhere.


Why do you attach your minds to the transitory things in this world? Attach yourself to God!


I dislike idleness and gossiping! You have taken this birth on the Earth to work. Work hard! After death, what will you show to God? Not only here, but wherever you are, work hard!


If you are bathed
In God's Forgiveness-Light,
Then no dust of earth
Will be able to cling to you.


God and I have built an immense fire together. We keep each other happy and warm. Join us, the happy family of GOD.


There will always be hills and mountains to overcome on the way to God. … It is the duty of warriors to move the mountains!


GOD is courage