Life minus desire is God

Desire leads to ultimate ruin.

It can never be destroyed by fulfillment.

Dispel desire.

Develop true love.

Desire plus life is man

Life minus desire is God.

Desire leads to despair

You are flowers in God’s garden

You are stars in God’s sky.

You are the breath of God. It is through him that you are alive, active and aware.

You have come from God.

You can find the footprints of God wherever there is beauty, virtue, humility, justice, truth, love and peace. You can hear the footsteps of God when silence reigns in the mind.

Human society minus God is equal to a forest of brutes.


Do not get attached to worldly things and pursuits.
Be in the world, but do not let the world be in you.
Have no desire to place before God.


A bubble is on water and merges in water. Man is born in God and merges in God.


A moment of concentrated prayer from heart is enough to melt and move God; hours of shouting do not count.


A life of sadhana involves the dedication of all acts to God, the offering of whatever one does or thinks or speaks at the feet of God.


A healthy body is the best container for a healthy mind. A healthy heart is the temple of God.


Activity is the keynote of the universe. It must be dedicated to God, the Highest Good.


GOD is great greater greatest

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