
Oh Lord, I’m praying to you

Cause the whole world seems confused

They say “Let’s Get High”,

Let’s get high on sin over and over again!

I don’t want to live that life; for the tight rope is just too thin

To go on through this life struggling

Oh, if they only knew how true you are

To only look towards you, instead of some falling star

Do they know the path their taking is full

Of twisted dreams and will leave them alone

With only hallowed hearts and broken seams

It’s made them blind, and they cannot see what’s happing,

They think their playing and pulling the strings, that they call destiny

For I was once on that path too, till you showed me the light

Made me see what’s true

Cause that path I was on was guiding and leading

Me to a life full of hopelessness and wrong

That those strings called destiny were being

Pulled and played (not by me) but by life’s true enemy

But you saved me

From that path of destruction and you cut

Those strings, when you died on the cross,

But not just to save me,

But also for them

So that they could see and hear the story

About how you came down to

Show what’s in store

When we decide to knock on heaven’s door

And walk away from that life full of sin

And realize how much more it is to

Give in into your everlasting glory and

Letting your love Rewrite our story.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this several years ago, but I dont really remember when.

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