It started with one
Piling up twenty two
Falling like dominos
Then I come across you
I stop just to see
Just a peek
Just a glance
You look peaceful sleeping
In Undisturbed peace
I take out my knife
Starting to trace your delicate flesh
The trickle of blood
The coppery smell
It's filling my nostrils
I think it's quite swell
I look at my artwork
I look at your face
I look at the pattern
I take out what's left
What's left to erase
You're almost done
Fresh dirt to uncover
You're fresh from the oven
Down you are now Yet I still to hover
I know you don't get it
I don't either
You were just so important
Now just known as a sleeper
I'm sorry
Though I don't quite know why
They call it feelings
They make you feel in the inside
I mark your grave in the mid of night
Making sure that we are out of sight
Not a thing
Not a soul
No one silly as me
To look at you now whispering simply
Go to sleep