It Happens Every Year


Trying to pick out her prom dress
Caused her nerves to be a mess
She tried hard to think
If she would look better in pale blue or pink
She couldn't decide on which one to choose
So she went to pick out her shoes
Later at home she knew her decision was right
The blue dress wasn't too loose or too tight
She let her sister fix her hair on her big day
She kissed her parents and waved goodbye as the car pulled away
After leaving the diner where they ate
They were about to meet their fate
As their car went around the bend
Their happiness would come to an end
It all happened in a flash
He tried but just couldn't avoid the crash
She let out a scream when she saw the car
When the two cars collided her door became ajar
Because the other driver was drunk behind the wheel
Her boyfriend had been killed
Her pretty blue dress is now blood stained
Her life would never be the same again
She hadn't found out who the other driver was that day
Her parents felt it was best to keep it that way
She tried not to think about the accident
She mentally blocked out most of that event
Her first day back to school was a scary one
She just wanted to be left alone
She didn't want to face her friends
She didn't think their questions would ever end
Things did get better at school
And everything seemed to be cool
Plans about graduation were being talked about
She joined the committee so she could help out
Two girls were hanging decorations above the door
She kept herself busy by sweeping the floor
It didn't take long for her to figure out
Just what it was that the girls were talking about
"I don't know how they kept her from finding out
But it's probably best if she never finds out"
"I don't know how he deals with it
Knowing that it was his best friends car that he hit
The police said that he was drunk behind the wheel
He's just lucky he wasn't killed"
Silence filled the room as the broom fell to the floor
The girls knew what happened as she ran out the door
She cried all the way home and prayed it wasn't true
She didn't know what to do
She asked her mom to tell her what she knew
She had to know if the rumors were true
Mom knew her daughter would have trouble dealing with it on her own
After their talk she was afraid to leave her daughter alone
While sitting in her room she broke down and started to cry
She hit her bed and wanted to know why
Why did it have to be his best friend?

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