Being Desired

Men say they don’t understand women. But there’s really not much to us. There’s only a few differences. One is that our mood can change at the drop of a hat; I blame this on hormones. Also, we can remember details very well; I think if men made the effort to remember the little things, they wouldn’t be yelled at so often.

And lastly, but most importantly, we have an innate desire to be, well, desired.

It’s funny because we say we don’t want to appear like whores. But we sell our bodies just like they do. We don’t do it for money though. We do it for love and acceptance.

There’s a fine line between wanting to have sex and wanting to be desired in every way possible. I’ve straddled that line so often. Men seem to be baffled that for us intimacy doesn’t always have to include sex. On the other hand, some women want sex without the intimacy. Now that baffles me. I suppose it’s just the evolution of our culture as women try to be more and more like men, in the workplace and the bedroom.

But we’re not men. Why do we want to be so badly? It stems back to how much we want to be desired. To be desired at all costs, even our dignity.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Prose. Pretty much the same line of thought as "Timing is Everything"

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