Bones bend to
match the curve
of a corset-
bodice bound
and tightly laced.
This model of perfection
acts as my tailor
so I cram my body
to fit your stereotyped
image of beauty.
But what if my skin
begins to overflow?
Will you condemn me
for breaking free
of society's mold?
I wish to be liberated
of these restraints
made for me, except
I may have forgotten
how to breathe.
Rewrite 2012
Bones bend to
match the curve
of a corset-
bodice bound
and tightly laced.
This model of perfection
acts as my tailor
so I cram my body
to fit your stereotyped
image of beauty.
But what if my skin
begins to overflow?
Will you condemn me
for breaking free
of society's mold?
I wish to be liberated
of these restraints
made for me, except
I forgotten how to
breathe without them.