I began last year
with fingers that
stood parallel,
erect but gapped,
as they were
unsuitable for prayer,
forced them apart.
Instead of reaching
out to You
for forgiveness,
I held his hands
in spite and
searched inside
unbuttoned pants
for absolution.
At his departure,
I raised
angered fists
and gripped
formless blankets,
hanging onto
that was never there.
Today, my hands clasped
each other as
the distance
from You closed,
and I knew
Your mercy
was finally
within grasp.
Rewrite 2012
with fingers that
stood parallel,
erect but gapped,
as they were
unsuitable for prayer,
forced them apart.
Instead of reaching
out to You
for forgiveness,
I held his hands
in spite and
searched inside
unbuttoned pants
for absolution.
At his departure,
I raised
angered fists
and gripped
formless blankets,
hanging onto
that was never there.
Today, my hands clasped
each other as
the distance
from You closed,
and I knew
Your mercy
was finally
within grasp.