Morning-after Musings

Missing Him

I walked as if in a daze.

unwilling to make sense

of what just transpired.

All I knew was that

the sun was unwelcomed

as I beckoned the night

to reach me quickly and

mimic the darkness inside

this cold and lonely place.

I went about my day, almost

sleepwalking through my chores,

upset by their lack of

cooperation like they should

realize my despair and care

enough to appease me though

I knew only you ever cared enough.

When I gave up on them,

I still would not think of what

would happen after this instead

I examined my body to see

the effects the night had on me.

My hair was matted; eyes bloodshot

from lack of sleep and confusion;

my lips still raw from rough kisses.

I discovered new bruises on my arms

where you held me too tightly.

But I was numb to all outward pain;

the only thing I felt was an emptiness

in my heart and the realization

that you would never fill it again.

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