Contemplations on Lost Love

Missing Him

I know that I've threw away the most

Valuable thing I've ever known as mine

Because no one has gone to such great

Lengths to make me happy like you have.

I hate looking at other couples

That appear to be so much in love

Wondering “When will I have that?”

But I had a chance, I just ruined it.

But I know I can't do for you

What you've done for me, so I give up,

Let someone else try even though I know

I will be insanely jealous of whoever does.

I wish I could see myself the way you do.

Show me what I've been missing all this time

But you'll never know all the layers I had to

Shed to feel comfortable in my own skin.

I've lied so many nights in the dark

Feeling so very cold and alone

Worried that my bones would never feel

Your's or anyone else's warmth again.

I clutch at hollow ribs missing the feeling

Of fulfillment because I purged you

Out of my life although I am now so

Famished, starving for your taste again.

My body aches to match the soreness

Of a heart since emptied and I am afraid

No one will stick around as long as you did

Because I don’t deserve love if I gave it up.

I think I'll run from your piercing stare

But these nagging fears still remain:

What if no one looks at me the way you once did?

Who will comfort me when I break my own heart?

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