A Therapy Session with Myself

The self-help book reads,

"Before he ever falls in love with you,

You have to fall in love with yourself."

Well, thank you, Dr. Phil.

But how do I go about

Falling in love with myself?

It certainly seems I am

In love with myself.

I’m spoiled, selfish, egotistical.

Is that what you mean, Dr. Phil?

Well, there’s more.

Once I get what I want

I wish I didn’t get it because

I don’t think I deserved it.

Now, what does that mean?

Well, next question.

So, why did this happen?

He said I wasn’t ready.

Well, how do I get ready?

Is there a 10-step process?

Or do I wake up one day and

Realize I’m suddenly ready?

So, I ask again: why did this happen?

Well, maybe you weren’t “ready”

Because you didn’t love him.

Oh, no. That can’t be. I loved him.

I just didn’t love myself enough

To think he could love me.

A-ha! There is your problem.

You owe me $100.  

Wait! What’s the solution?

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