A Story on Friendship

Old Stuff

Friendship is considered one of the best things in life. If you don't have a friend then what is life for? Life is very disappointing without a friend. Friends can make you happy or sad, but otherwise it's the best. An example of friendship is this quote found in Gilgamesh: "I can't imagine being left alone. I'm less a man without my friend". Many people in today's world lose a friend mostly because of petty things. Most people in this society don't know the actual meaning of friendship which is a person attached to another by affection, regard, or esteem. In addition, it also means a supporter or sympathizer of another person who is not an enemy; someone not replaceable because of his kindness and goodwill without a reward for his actions is another meaning. Friendship is very special to every being on this earth.

A friend is someone you can tell your deepest secrets when you’re down. You friend is the one there to lean on for advice. The person you can talk to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You go places together and talk on the phone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Essay written circa 1993-1997 (ages 7-11)

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