Doubting the Future

My vision of the future is impaired;

but hindsight is perfect,

and it allows me to observe

where I went wrong in the past

to learn from my mistakes

so they do not become my future.

But these spectacles sure are

skeptical of the promise He made

of a clear future brimming with

hope and second chances;

I don’t deserve to be forgiven~

not after what I’ve turned a blind eye to.  

Every instance of doubt amplified

my weaknesses to the point

that all I had been through was

invisible to the naked eye;

but that made it better since now

I could try again from scratch.

I have a clean slate in front of me~

only I can change how others

view me and leave a more evident

fingerprint on each new person I meet~

an impression of happiness and kindness

that they won’t soon forget.


My vision of the future is impaired;
but hindsight is perfect,
and it allows me to observe
where I went wrong in the past
to learn from my mistakes
so they do not become my future.

But these spectacles sure are
skeptical of the promise He made
of a clear future brimming with
hope and second chances;
I don’t deserve to be forgiven~
not after what I’ve turned a blind eye to.

Every instance of doubt amplified
my weaknesses to the point
that all I had been through was
invisible to the naked eye;
but that made it better since now
I could try again from scratch.

I have a clean slate in front of me~
only I can change how others
view me and leave a more evident
fingerprint on each new person I meet~
an impression of happiness and kindness
that they won’t soon forget.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by: “Unbelief blinds you to God's greatness and magnifies your own weaknesses.”

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