The Victim

I had stumbled into a

dark, unfamiliar alleyway, where

I met the gaze of a stranger

who I knew intended me harm.

I was caught in the target

of lust’s trajectory path,

without a bulletproof vest on

and, more importantly, unarmed.

His steel bullet entered me,

piercing my virgin flesh, his hands

left with gunpowder residue-

identifying him as the culprit.

I fingered the gaping hole,  

while immorality rifled through

the last remnants of purity,

now pilfered by this bandit.

I was singed by heartbreak’s rapid fire,

set ablaze by the match of revenge.

Burned one too many times,

I sought vengeance for the felony.

Finding his back-up switchblade

in his own rear pocket,

I thrust it into him deeply,

so he too would experience my agony.

As blood spilled from his scarred body,

I looked at him once more

with the most devilish smirk,

waiting for his final exhale.

He realized his plan had backfired;

No longer merely the victim,

I was the one who committed

the worst crime of all: betrayal.

Rewrite 2012

I had stumbled into a
dark, unfamiliar alleyway, where
I met the gaze of a stranger
who I knew intended me harm.

I was caught in the target
of lust’s trajectory path,
without a bulletproof vest on
and, more importantly, unarmed.

His steel bullet entered me,
piercing my virgin flesh, his hands
tainted with gunpowder residue-
identifying him as the culprit.

I fingered the gaping hole,
while insecurities rifled through
the last remnants of purity,
now pilfered by this bandit.

I was singed by heartbreak’s rapid fire,
set ablaze by the match of revenge.
Burned one too many times,
I sought vengeance for the felony.

Finding his back-up switchblade
in his own rear pocket,
I thrust it into him deeply,
so he too would experience my agony.

As blood spilled from his scarred body,
I looked at him once more
with the most devilish smirk,
waiting for his final exhale.

He realized his plan had backfired;
No longer merely the victim,
I was the one who committed
the worst crime of all: betrayal.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by/what aspects were inspired by each poet:
Allie’s (Auburn Sunrise) “Cannonball I & II”/the sexual tone,
Ted Hughes “The Shot”/the metaphor chosen

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