Love: The Contradiction

General Love

You are a poison-

the sweet substance which

destroys my unhealthy belief

that I would never find love.

Yet you also

have the healing touch-

what soothes the soreness

of a sensitive past.


You take my breath away-

leaving me panting

for you to seize more air,

stolen from my lips to yours.

Yet you also

make me feel weightless-

allowing Love’s breeze to lift me

above clouds of loneliness.


You blur my vision-

dimming my concept of reality,

with tears flowing endlessly

of unearned happiness.

Yet you also

give me so much clarity-

a realization that your hand

is indeed mine to hold.


You make me restless,

lying on the edge of rationality

where my heart is in control

of all my decisions.

Yet you also

put me at peace-

lulling me to sleep with ease

and a smile night after night.

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