I'm driving this life-long race
Never reaching the finish line
Because I'm simply saving face
As I pretend everything's fine.
This course has been charted.
There's no way of turning back,
Because I end up at the start
Since this is a circular track.
The road I drive leads nowhere
As my surroundings get stranger
The street signs read "Beware"
Because I'm headed for danger.
When I'm ready to lose control,
I hand over the steering wheel.
You'll help me reach my goal
As You drive this automobile.
All I can do is apply the brakes
And let go so You and I collide.
Only when I do whatever it takes
Will You be able to be my guide.
I have tried to maintain momentum
But in circles, I've been spinning.
You will be my navigation system;
Soon, this race, I'll be winning.