For this presentation, we were told that we must talk about something that was special to somebody we met in a certain moment of our life. In my case, even when I don’t know if the possession I’m going to talk about was as important to my great-grandmother as many of the objects you’re going to tell us about in your presentations to the people you choose, when I think about my great-grandmother I always remember clearly one thing that during my whole life I will relate to her: her makeup. Why her makeup? Because for many years when I went to her house for lunch or something and I said ‘hi’ and then walked towards where she was to kiss her in the cheek, I remember distinctly this tickly and funny sensation her cheek produced in mine. It was weird, and for many years I thought I was the only one who felt it. To be honest, I think it was last year when I discovered it wasn’t only me, when my brother mentioned about that tickle and I said shocked: ‘You felt that too?’ and he responded: ‘Yeah, all the time but I never knew what caused it’. My mom told us that probably it was because of her old-school makeup she bought until the day she died. Anyhow, besides that, I remember how on her dressing table she always had this pink rounded container with painted geishas on top of it where she kept her makeup powder which was probably what caused the itchy sensation. Besides this, I can’t remember a single time I went to her house and she wasn’t with her make up on, and not only her powder, she always had lipstick and mascara on too, also her hair was all combed up and for some unknown reason, I remember she was always wearing a floral pattern dress.
Probably this possession couldn’t provide a prose poem as deep as many of yours will be, but at least to me it’s a very characteristic object that defined a little part of what I’ll always relate to my great-grandmother, who by the way died not so long ago… I was like 11 or 12. How many people can say they met their great-grandparents?