You're really gone

you're really gone

every time I try to face the truth
it's a slap in the face

that tries to wake me up

from the fantasy I have held on to

that someday you would come back
and we would be together again

it's a cold bitter reality

it's paralyzing

there is nothing i can do

i have no control over it

i tried so hard to no avail

and even though you were here only one night
every room reminds me of you

i am forced to relive every moment we spent together

and none of it makes sense

my heart nor my mind understand it

sometimes it makes me feel like a lunatic
but then i am reminded of the truth

that for once i was alone and was focused on myself

without you on my radar

then out of nowhere you appeared
reminded me that no matter what i do
i stay in love with you

we spent a night together like old times

and then you walked out and never looked back

i tried to hold on
you forced me to let go

now i am left alone with the memories
trying to make sense of them all

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