Don't know anymore
What I feel
Feelings are so far gone
Trapped deep inside
Sometimes they try to surface
But since the time is never right
I make sure they don't come out
They are so far from me now
That it is hard to judge my reactions
Or decide what is right for my life
It seems wrong to do anything differently then what it is
Because I don't know anymore what the right thing to do is
So I am stuck in the same place
I know that staying here is wrong too
But it is easier to do nothing then to change anything
When I don't know what to change anyway
So apathy has overtaken me
Even though I have no more feelings
There is one thing I do feel
I no longer feel myself
But don't remember who I am anyway
And every time I try to search myself out
I take a blow that convinces me to go back where I started
(Written 11/14/2012)