A Hustler In Training

It happened only a week after,
A week after my graduation from school;
Then I was subjected without laughter
To a world of lost hopes so cruel.

I worked so hard for sales so diligent
That had begun to lose those who I loved;
Then my promising work became religion,
Because I lost what I would never dream of.

My family sacrificed more than me,
Because they believed and gave me support;
They had to take my word and to see,
That I was doing more holding my own fort.

I had awaken at four in the early morning
To make sales in the streets of the hot sun,
But there were always people scorning
What I would do, was doing, or had done.

I was the first to always come,
And I'd become the last to leave;
After I was fired, I felt so dumb,
Because I had been yet again deceived.

I had put in twenty hours a day,
To entirely sell all my given merch;
Then again, I had never got my pay
For what did after we would diverge.

No matter if it was sunny or just raining,
I was working outside until midnight;
An eighteen years of age hustler in training,
Giving his all and putting up bodily fight.

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