AUGUST 12, 1986



I guess the date is as insignificant as anything else I’ve encountered this year.  What does it really matter how I live my life?  Yeah, I’m frustrated and lonely if you want to use those terms.  I don’t see what it matters to you unless you just want to rub it in my face.  I have had a few drinks today and I am alone.  I don’t think that’s any of your business.  How many did I have?  Not that many.  I’m still alive and well. It has been a rather long day.  I didn’t really accomplish very much.  I could talk about failures or cowardice or loneliness.  This is the typical poetic jive but I figure that you don’t even care.  I probably don’t even care myself.  It’s just that I don’t have anything better to do with my time.  I’ll just ride on into the night but the bottles do get a little lonely after awhile.  I guess it is time to say goodnight to all those sweet dreams I’ve had all day long.  I better just brace myself for tomorrow that may be even worse than today but could be even better if I really try.




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