There is little benefit to harboring hatred and animosity over trite concerns.  Sure there is plenty of horror and gore on the planet.  Our society seems overrun with all the fatal flaws of aggression and oppression.  The war and pestilence is well documented.  The broken glass of shattered lives sparkle on the sidewalks of our city streets.  The firing squads have their rifles cocked and aimed to fire.  Sometimes we all feel like Dostoevsky standing before the before the guns awaiting the governor’s call of pardon.


Since none of us is Atlas, the weight of the world can get too heavy. And I hear you when you decry the injustice.  I understand the sorrow and heartbreak of fractured existences.  The savage mistreatment of innocent children is too much.  To the unscreened eye this naked reality is overwhelming.


a flash of decay

posing theory of hope

beyond the moment

all that can sustain our dreams

spark visions of future hope


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