I thought it would be cool to wear my Sister Rosetta Tharpe T-shirt to the event.  It is a way to honor one of the legends and pioneers of blues, gospel and rock and roll.  This is one of the first persons to plug in an electric guitar and wail away.  Seems like a good thing to pass a little knowledge along to all the young’uns.  I didn’t realize that I would be educating a lot of  elders and people that really ought to know better


Plug in your guitar

gospelize the country song

rock and roll is born


And yet wearing the shirt seemed to cause more confusion than anything else.  Sister Rosetta Tharpe is far more criminally underappreciated than I thought.  The shirt was blue and there was a lot of purple in the print.  A few people seemed to think I was wearing a shirt with Prince on it.  Someone else thought it was Little Richard.  I was looking at the print and trying to understand.  I guess some people automatically associate the color purple with Prince.  Jimi Hendrix might not like it but rain is more enduring than haze.  And I suppose one could argue that Little Richard did appropriate some of her look.  I’m just glad I could clarify the situation.  They say sometimes we need to give the devil his due.  But other times, it's just as valid to give the preacher her due.


Pictures on a shirt

purple not province of one

legends get their due

reluctantly fools will learn

hopefully also retain



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