Don’t worry about the editors trying to steal your shit.  It’s the writers that are the real whores with whom you must exercise great caution.  Never send anything good that's uncopyrighted to another writer.  You can bet your last dollar if it’s any good the whore will steal it.


Editors and publishers don’t need to steal>  Norman gets 4 million dollar advances.  Editors are happy to deal with unknowns.  4 million dollars is a lot of money compared to a newcomer like me who’s like, “Wow, you’re going to give me a pizza and a six pack!” 


Of course me, I would play hardball.  I’d hold out for a pizza and two six packs.  A guy like me, I really know how to drive a hard bargain.


drive a hard bargain

holding out for two six packs

and get that pizza

make them pay for your services

make them pay you what it’s worth



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