I was a bit lit up and feeling mischievous.  I noticed a chalkboard with chalk in the Men’s Room.  I quickly scrawled “Only love can heal but Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself” on the chalkboard.  I figured I give drunks something to muse over while relieving themselves.  Dive bars are always the best place to invoke philosophical thought.


Invoking deep thought

or political unrest

on a bathroom wall


Another group of drunks were in the bar and ordering shots.  There were three different guys and they all used the men’s room.  They all accused each other of writing the message on the wall.  I sat at the other end of the bar smirking to myself.  I don’t get to be smug all that often so I was really feeling it.


Making the rubes think

elicit some smug chuckles

for subversive thought



Author's Notes/Comments: 

again, nobody feels sorries for Epstein but there is the potential that infomation exists that indicts two former presidents and members of the British royal family. If they are guilty they should be exposed.  We need to not be trying to cover up to protect political interests.

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