It’s a Blakean thing. Innocence can be a beautiful thing. Experience is often dismissed as corrupt and painful. But a person must move from innocence to experience or else the bottom will drop out and they will sip into Ulro. But experience by itself is an ugly thing. One has to develop an innocent sense of wonder to maintain through the bitter travails of life. I am learning to see things that way.
Blake’s theory could be applied to basic human nature. Childhood is a wonderful thing. Adulthood brings conflict and strife. But one must eventually grow up. That could be the root of my problems. I am clinging to childhood. That could lead into Ulro or insanity. I’ll have to grow up but retain a sense of innocence. I have to be an adult but retain a degree of youthful exuberance.
Another conflict. I had heart and soul; body and mind. Now I have adult and child. Perhaps I’ll find produce some great literature out of this great struggle. . .