Some people would like to see me cast as a character in a John Waters movie but I’m pretty picky about the roles I’d accept and I might need to demand some artistic control over the fate of the character; maybe write a few of the scenes myself just to keep a grip on what’s all going on.


But everyone wants to see some quirky behavior that makes them more sure of their own normalcy.  “Hey, look at that guy!  He’s all fucked up!” and then they get to feel more secure about themselves like casting a glance over the crowd at an ECW card.  Well, I don’t know just how much it’s worth and it never seemed to matter much.


But the times are changing and there’s never enough time to get everything right but the delusion of a movie can provide some much needed comic relief in the midst of a rather intense trip where all boundaries are eclipsed and limitless possibilities seem to be blooming on the horizon.  Well, folks, anything can happen.


Well, anything can happen except maybe a Philly team actually winning a championship and we gonna win the Cup and we gonna win the Super Bowl and nothing else matters.  But some people are taking it all a little too personal and that’s truly fucked up but what can you do?  That’s just the way some folks are.


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