Traveling always finally comes back to that point when you are heading home.  Homeward bound!  It’s a little bit happy and a little bit sad.  You wanna get home but you don’t want the vacation to end.  I can shed no light on this phenomenon of ambivalence.  As Benedict said to the Prince, “Man is a giddy thing.”  Who knows what motivates a man to do the things he does or feel the way he does.  Well, I’ll leave the postulating to the philosophers and Shakespeare.  I figure they might be onto something that I could never understand and that’s all there is to it.  I’ll just write my pieces and hope to achieve a little humor and wisdom in the process.  Experience begets a more patient, tolerant person.  I may not be learning the lessons too well but a good blow job does wonders for one’s disposition.  So I’ll head home and back to reality.  Work awaits.  That’s a thought I don’t readily greet.  I must work harder at making things real on my own terms.  That would be the ticket.  Then I could make this leap whenever I wanted.

hopping the pond

training thru the continent

midieval towns

to simply return

a bland reality




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