At a certain point, you look up from the empty shot glass and realize that your life is a shipwreck.  You can only wonder just how you got to this point.  Weren’t you once so beautiful?  All the right people beckoned you and clamored to be right by your side.


Now, you are alone.  Bloodshot eyes and bags a raccoon would envy are your calling card.  You sit alone at a kitchen table pouring shots of Kentucky Gentleman.  God damn, the name is a misnomer.  Melancholy seems to be the primary ingredient in this rot gut liquor.


Staring at letters from debt collectors and watching a cockroach scurry into a crack in the wall.  I could go down to the bar but the ladies never buy into my bombastic yarns.  I realize there are crumbs all over my shirt.  A mustard stain adds character to my jeans.


Alone but still alive.  I push aside the bills and collection notices and find a photograph of my ex-wife.  They say the best revenge is to live a better life.  I smile at the picture, “Well, honey, you won again.”



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