My “I love beer!” speech is rife with philosophy, literature and historical reference. You can learn a lot from drinking beer but I’m not so sure it’s going to make it past the censors. Nonetheless, I am committed to getting the good word out. It is humankind’s roots to quaff fermented beverage. The fermented barley aroma is fragrant with the grace of God. It is with great joy, one takes a tour of a brewery. And one sees the beauty and science of brewing great beer. A yen has been launched instead of merely spent. Perhaps some purity and poetry can emerge from the occasion. It’s now the longest running chapter in my books. It’s a love affair for the ages and this shall be my “Romeo and Juliet”. And I ponder my options. I can choose a barley wine. Ah, maybe we’ll go with Old Foghorn or Brooklyn Monster. Ain’t nothing quite like a good barley wine late winter night. It might scare off vampires fearful of intoxication which might affect their flight patterns. Hmm, a good pilsner would really hit the spot right now. We could go Prima Pils or maybe go with Pilsner Urquell. Well, it’s not in the cards right now. A Delirium Tremens will take me home tonight. My fidelity is stretched at times as I nurture fermented grain. My northern ancestry must be asserting itself right now. Ah well, I will possibly endure with being just a little drunk. But the viking in me seems to dig the high alcohol stuff. Maybe that’s why I can’t finish my novel. . .
shyly taking sip
love affair with barley
hops tenderly kiss