Writing is a strange function. I mean, it’s really one of the most confusing tasks in the universe. It can be complete gibberish and still inspire millions. It can be solid gold and leave the crowd cold. The fire that burns within fluctuates according to breath patterns. It’s not a very comfortable plight but it one that almost all writers enter into willingly. We are the sacrificial lambs of the world. When in doubt, assassinate a poet. It makes perfect sense to me. The leprous writer with his diseased words sparkling opaque illuminations we refuse to look upon. None of us really want answers. It would take away our ability to bitch about things. Who wants to stop whining? The writer always wants to stop whining because he is the biggest whiner. That much is always known. Writing is a pain in the ass because inspiration is so intense but generally so brief. It is the holy grail we can not find. It’s a fate not worthy of man or beast. It is a fate readily accepted and even sought after by a deranged few. After all, it is what makes us stand out from the crowd.
and so we would write
the words flow from thought to page
seamlessly we hope
false image we can portray
hoping to fool the unwashed