After Antler wrote

an epic poem

about factory life

it was like a final word

an end to innocence

an end to ignorance

an end to all excuses


we had to confront the bleakness

far beyond any spiritual ennui

proffered by Dickens or Sinclair Lewis

and the false sincerity

of all the Anglo apologists


we drank rank java

from a roach coach

punching in on a time card

gotta make sure

we get clocked in and clocked out

so payroll can add the hours

all the while ignoring

the sweat and tears

the exhausted shell of a being


we run our lathes and presses

we form cardboard boxes

and fill them up with empty promises

and empty delusions

cheap merchandise no one wants or needs

but simply has to have

to fulfill the prophecy of the ad campaign


but after Antler wrote

his factory poems

we should have known better

we should have know that

the corporate overlords

were totally full of shit

but first Reagan and then Trump

deluded enough young folk

and old folk alike

to toss us right back

into George Santayana’s paradox




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