The information overload

is blowing the circuits

dictating confusing


and a splitting headache

in Mexico

is not in the near future

My thoughts on fleurs du mal

are not limited

to 19th Century poetry


my isolationist views skewed

as interconnected links

are cyber related

and access to info

approaches unlimited


Sensitivities are numb

The gnashing of teeth;

panic stricken chaos widespread

so this is civilization?


Supposing justly

that the question doesn’t

be asked

in polite circles


fearing the knife in back

or the dagger

between the eyes

by Babylonian assassins


Trotsky is dead

and so is Freddie

Propaganda wars advance

to the TV screen

a million websites get constructed;

but wired to the masses


a really dense sound

continues to reverb in my head

as I avoid the spies

determined to abduct my thoughts

and I’m really trying to keep a straight face


people will create

their own stories

often they rival the pseudo reality

that appears on the news

often more entertaining


No one wanted to be this

or do that

but somehow we were duped

The roads of misfortune

have discovered a home

beneath my walking feet





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