He called the prose

as much a celebration

of the English language

as of the beer


it’s my hobby, my passion

quite possibly

the love of my life

as the sheer joy of writing

begins to emerge


and the liquid caramel elixir

melts like candy

against the roof of my mouth


and I open the blinds

to reveal the street lights

and the increasingly occasional

traffic swiftly crossing by


It’s mostly just opaque

as I can not see a tree

ten feet before me

and the waning inspiration

seeks alternative stimulation


a sloppily poured beer

sits atop the bureau

on a beer coaster from England

surrounded by ID,

money, keys, other documents


the art form ravaged

and left undermined

the self defeating nature

never subjugated


never subjugated

absolute authority denied

in third worlds apart

from modernized society

in iron beams and neon lights

honking catcalls at girls in skirts





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