The Pike Market Place was mobbed

not just the usual suspects

but major league all stars and team mascots

parading on a red carpet for throngs

of adoring baseball fans


For my part, I ducked up

to a 3rd floor coffee shop

to enjoy a large cup of java

and a cinnamon roll


It was a peaceful respite

from the mob scene below

I could hear the applause of the crowd

and a few warbled announcements


A few customers were hanging

around the window

observing the spectacle

from a skybox view


occasionally someone would announce

the name of the player walking by

some applauded for players and remarked

that autographs were signed for kids

The names meant nothing to me


I felt no concern for outside

I was too busy sipping on coffee

fully relaxed sitting

in a nice plush chair


The cinnamon roll was heated

and covered with vanilla icing drizzle

and it was sinfully delish

but I probably deserve

to be punked in the parking lot

for using the phrase “sinfully delish”


I noticed that a lot of people

were beginning to vacate the window seats

and the noise from outside

was beginning to wane.

The parade, apparently, was concluding


I still had a few bites left

on my cinnamon roll

and half a cup of coffee served black


the crowd would disperse

by the time I was finished

and that, to me, seemed

like a triumphant moment



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